When it comes to being a plus size woman, it seems like living our best lives is contingent on losing weight or achieving a certain size in the future. But what about today? What about now? Don't delay your level-up journey and looking and feeling more feminine because you’re pursuing an ideal weight. Furthermore, embracing or enhancing your femininity doesn’t have a size requirement.  

Here are tips to help you on your level up journey:  

Clear the clutter in your bedroom.  

Girl, get organized, starting with your room. Nothing makes for a cozy companion like unfolded laundry on your bed that you’re too lazy to put away. Perhaps you're inundated with clothes due to limited storage space. You can either donate your clothes to Goodwill or invest in some cute storage bins to put your clothes.  If space permits, get a portable clothing rack with cute hangers to match. If feasible, get a new bedroom set, along with better quality comforter sets. Add some scented candles and flowers. Get a cute painting, preferably one that reminds you of Queendom, to place above your bed

Learn to accept compliments.

Remember what we said about self-deprecating behavior? Be careful how you talk to yourself, and be especially mindful of how you allow others to talk to you. When someone gives a compliment (not a backhand one like, "you're pretty for a big girl"), learn to accept it and say thank you. You don't have to point out flaws to invalidate the compliment. You're a baddie girl---accept it. 

Invest statement pieces. 

We're all about pairing high-end with low-end. So, unless you have the coins, perhaps getting a new wardrobe from Saks Fifth Avenue or Neiman Marcus isn't in your budget. However, investing in a designer handbag might be a gift to yourself. You can research pre-owned handbags. If you don't have the budget to invest in multiple handbags, choose a color that can match virtually all outfits and choose a size you can sport during brunch into dinner. Invest in high quality plus size activewear like our Black on Black Collection, styles that don't fade with the years and maintain their shape.

Create a budget and strategy for your level-up journey. 

Sugar daddy, anyone? While it might be tempting to take money out of your 401K to help with your level-up journey, pump your brakes, girl. The savvier way to do this is to create a budget. Each month or pay period, allocate specific money for your level-up journey. While fast fashion clothing might do the trick when you have a one-off event, it's sometimes rare to get multiple wears due to its poor quality fabric. You can find affordable designer clothes at T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, and Nordstorm Rack. You can even decide to build your wardrobe during the off-seasons. I.e., Shop for winter clothes (at discounted prices) during the summer months. 

Adopt a beauty routine.

All skin is not created equal; however, when you know what works for your skin, stick with it. Inversely, when you know the foods and environmental allergens that affect your skin, stay away from them. Invest in monthly facials (marketplaces like Groupon.com and LivingSocial.com are great resources to find discounts on facials). Research D.I.Y skin routines to help save you money. Increase your water intake to help flush out toxins out your body and to promote healthy-looking skin. Learn your skin types--are you oily, dry, or a combination? Find products that match your skin type. Invest in a good facial moisturizer and if you’re into makeup, never sleep with it on.  

Always look polished.

Death to mom jeans or anything remotely near that monstrosity. Wearing shapewear items underneath your clothes can give you a sleek and well-put-together look. Invest in a good bra, so you won't succumb to quad boobs or breasts spillage in your clothes.  Make sure you wear belts with your jeans if you decide to tuck in your blouse or shirt. Do a lipstick in the teeth check often and if you have oily skin, make sure you go powder your nose or carry blotting paper. 

Learn to smile more. 

Resting Bitch Face is so 2019. While some women become triggered when they’re told by men to “smile, sweetheart,” smiling can get you a long way. When a feminine woman displays a pleasant disposition, people tend to gravitate towards her and want to help her during her time of need. 

Always look pretty. We don’t care if you’re going to the mailroom in your building, look your sporty best. Cough… make sure you rock our looks from our store. You don’t know if Mr. Right also has an Amazon Prime addiction and will be at the mailroom at the same time as you. If you’re heading to the gym, please don’t wear frumpy clothing. Invest in high quality plus size move wear. And we're not telling you to wear full-blown makeup to go to the gym but putting on some lip gloss or maybe fixing your eyebrows wouldn’t hurt.    

Heels vs. Sneakers 

While wearing heels is widely considered more feminine, the right pair of stylish sneakers can help you accomplish the look you're going for.  Some women only decide to wear heels during special occasions or on dates. Realistically speaking, wearing heels all the time might not be conducive to your lifestyle or career. Make sure your sneakers are always clean, even when you’re headed to the gym. When your sneakers have holes and rips in them, that means they've exceeded their expiration date...  

Don’t chase people

Feminine women don't chase. Period. Chase dreams, not people. If you're on the dating scene, stay clear of low-effort men or women. Don't emotionally invest in men or women who are emotionally and physically unavailable. Rest in your femininity and choose suitors who are fit for the job. Don't chase friends. If your friendships are one-sided, make new friends and change your circles. 

Travel more

“Don’t let a man tell you that you’re the prettiest woman in the world if he has never stepped foot outside of the country.” In-kind, girl, get a passport, or if you have one, start using it more. To get amazing deals, vacation during off-peak months. And we're not telling you to book five-star resorts, but don't go below three or four stars. Traveling around the world exposes you to new cultures, food, customs, and other women on their level-up journey. Oh, and perhaps you'll meet a hottie at the airport.    😉

Your level-up journey is something that's so special and personal, and shouldn't be a visceral response to an ex that did you wrong or to your haters.  And while it might be satisfying to let your ex see what he’s missing out on, to keep up the momentum, you have to be doing this for yourself and you alone. 

Tell us, what is the one adjustment you've made to help you level-up your journey?

Gabby the Fatty
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